Preventing A Crabgrass Problem
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
There are two main ways to control crabgrass. You can use natural ways and chemical methods. The best way to control them would be a combination of both methods.
With chemical methods of crabgrass control you will need to apply a pre-emergent before it germinates. When the temperature reaches a sustained 55 degrees for more than three or four days the crabgrass will begin to grow. The only way to really treat crabgrass is to kill it before it starts to actively grow. After that time it becomes much harder.
To naturally prevent crabgrass all you have to do is maintain a healthy lawn. Crabgrass takes advantage of sick lawns and moves in so you need to keep your lawn strong. Do not cut it too short and apply fertilizer at the correct times of year (when your lawn is actively growing). Finally if you have crabgrass, rinse your mower off after cutting an affected area. This prevents the crabgrass from spreading to unaffected areas.
Crabgrass can be difficult to get rid of but have patience. By using the natural and chemical methods above you will eventually control the problem.